The following FIGfonts comprise the bdffont1 package. They are all converted from BDF-format (X Windows) fonts distributed by the X Consortium. They are freely distributable. Proportional Fonts: brite, briteb, britebi, britei Lucida Bright fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) chartr, chartri Charter fonts (roman, italic) cour, courb, courbi, couri Courier fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) helv, helvb, helvbi, helvi Helvetica fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) sans, sansb, sansbi, sansi Lucida Sans fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) sbook, sbookb, sbookbi, sbooki Century SchoolBook fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) times Times Roman font tty, ttyb Lucida Sans Typewriter fonts (roman, bold) utopia, utopiab, utopiabi, utopiai Utopia fonts (roman, bold, bold italic, italic) All these fonts are available in a larger size, which has the same name with an "x" prefix: xbrite, xsbookbi, xtty, etc. Fixed-width Fonts: 5x7, 5x8, 6x9, 6x10 standard fixed-width fonts clr4x6, clr5x6, clr5x8, clr5x10, clr6x6, clr6x8, clr6x10 clr7x8, clr7x10, clr8x8, clr8x10 Clear Roman fonts clb6x10, clb8x8, clb8x10 Clear Bold fonts cli8x8 Clear Italic font Also included is the Perl script bdf2flf, which was used to make these fonts. It should work on any BDF-format font, but it assumes Latin-1 encoding and Adobe character names.